School Improvement Consulting
Competency-Based Educational Professional Development

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
Improve Their Odds
School Improvement / Transformation / Turnaround Consulting / Professional Development Guaranteed Results for Individual Teachers, Departments, School and District Leaders.
“Be spectacularly great at what you do. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand. And work hard. Really hard.” – Robin Sharma
Why choose us?

Competency-based Professional Development. Course credits, conferences, and PD seat-time does not equal results. ITO’s Competency-based PD and coaching provides you with a clear, codified, actionable takeaways with a system for progress towards mastery specific to your unique circumstances and resources.
ITO provides the opportunity to secure national-caliber training for individuals, schools, or small districts, increasing their ability to achieve improved learning outcomes.
We have a documented proven track record of success in transforming classrooms, schools, or districts student Proficiency rates by double-digits in rural and urban settings.
Whether you seek to advance in your career, improve student outcomes for a class, school, district, or community college, we will help you reduce the gap from where you are to where you want to be as rapidly as possible based on your timeline and resources.
We are unique in the area of educational consulting and training because we are still active practitioners. We have been there and done that and, in most cases, are still practicing the exact skillsets, strategies, and monitoring systems that we are coaching others on. We are leaders in their field and not speaking from Educational Theory. We are coaching from documented successful personal examples founded in researched-based best practices that we have shared out at state and national educational conferences. If we say we can do something for you, we have previously done that successfully.
The only educational consulting and coaching with the “Success Guarantee.” We are driven by results and vested in your outcomes. Your success is the only measure of our success.
Who We Are
The mission of ITO is to significantly improve the odds of success for those we serve focusing on individuals and small school/districts that traditional are not able to access the same high-quality consulting and professional development services as their large urban counterparts.
Vision: We deliver an individualized clear pathway to significantly improve the outcomes for students, teachers, leaders and school boards based on your specific challenges, resources, and timelines.
We believe it is a moral imperative that students deserve our very best yet students, teachers and school leaders in rural or small districts are not able to access high quality services at the same level as larger districts.
We believe that students, teachers and leaders need an even greater access to high quality resources as they are dealing with unique challenges due to location, declining enrollment, and access to less community resources.
We believe that “all means all” so we want to be a part the solution to some of the challenge’s smaller schools face. The more effectively the professional needs are met the more effectively student needs can be met and we desire to be positive change agents to that end.
Our goal is not to provide advice and training and be done. Our goal is to join you in your journey to achieve specific outcomes with the highest possible probability of success. Anything less than that then we have failed. Similar to the quote from the educator Mara Collins.
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”
– Peter Drucker

What Success Looks Like
Problem: Teacher wanting to significantly improve the Proficiency percentage for her students.
Results: Coaching a 2nd year Teach for America elementary teacher in a Turnaround school. The percent of students scoring Proficient based on state assessment data for improved from 8% to 35%.
Problem: Middle School wanted to improve the school climate and culture to reduce student discipline.
Results: At the end of the first semester, student discipline referrals were reduced by 49% and end of the year School-wide with Reading and Math achievement increased.
Problem: Rural District placed on state Turnaround list and facing bankruptcy within six months at current spending rate.
Results: Reduced district expenditures by 22.5% with first year district-wide Reading improved by 15% Math by 9% and Writing by 29%. Year two results were Reading increased an additional 14% and Math by another 9%. District removed from “Watch List” and missed earning the state’s highest rating category by 1.5 percentage points.
Problem: An urban school’s 5th year on the state turnaround list must demonstrate enough improvement to avoid a school restart or recommendation for closure.
Results: Based on the Colorado Department of Education State Percentile score, the school improved from 20.7 to 34.7 that year. A school-wide improvement of 14% for the 2015-16 school year. The school’s state ranking among elementary schools improved from 744th out of 938 schools to 597th.
How ITO Can Help You
Teacher/Individual Development:
Academic Resiliency for improved student achievement outcomes (classroom-level)
Classroom Culture, Social Emotional Learning, Equity and Culturally Responsive Practices for Great Classroom Management
Data Driven Instruction
High-yield Instruction
Aspiring School Leaders Program building teacher Leadership Capacity and Career Advancement
Master-Mind group based on your specific personal and/or professional goals.
You can also select the Highly Effective Teacher Fellowship Program. If choosing this option, you will can select the self-paced certificate of completion or the Certificate of Achievement pathway.
School Improvement and Student Support Programming, Systems Leadership.
Department or Building Level:
School-wide Culture, Social Emotional Learning, Equity & Culturally Responsive Practices
Data Driven Instruction-PLC Leadership that drives change and improved student outcomes.
High-yield Instruction
School Improvement/Turnaround Leadership Coaching
Student Support Programing - MTSS, Special Education, Intervention Programming
Solution-Focused Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Leadership Team Instructional Coaching for Results (Getting Better Faster)
Recruitment, Retention and Recognition programming for extraordinary results.
Student Success/Mentoring Program Development
Objective, 3rd party Program Effectiveness Feedback
Leadership Teams/Boards:
How to support and achieve significant building or district improvement
Equity & Culturally Responsive Practices
Recruitment, Selection, and Retention for Organization Improvement.
Systems Leadership
Strategic Plans and implementation that drives results.
Objective, 3rd party Program Effectiveness Feedback
Reducing expenditures while improving services.
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